恐怖监视 - Amazon Ring™ 视讯保全系统遭到骇客入侵


Tech & Gadgets 科技

在过去的几周中,有多件指称 Amazon Ring™ 视讯门铃保全系统遭到骇客攻击的消息,骇客使用设备扬声器与用户交谈,并从远处透过摄像头与监视用户,直到用户强制将摄像头拆下为止。Ring™ 向所有遇到类似情况表示这些事件「与 Ring™ 的安全系统遭到入侵没有任何关系。」

报导的第一起事件之一是乔治亚州的一名妇女,她说一个男人在床上睡觉的时候开始通过她的 Ring™ 摄像头对她说话。在一个他发布的影片中可以听到骇客大喊:「Wake up!」和「I can see you in the bed」,甚至在影片的末段还可以听见骇客在呼唤这对情侣饲养的小狗。据亚特兰大新闻台 WSB-TV 表示,该名女子在听到扬声器发出咳嗽声并看到蓝灯亮起后,原以为是她的男朋友正在使用相机,随后便联络她的男友,但她的男友表示他并没有在使用 Ring™,与此同时骇客就开始和女子对话。经历过类似案件的其他人还包括密西西比州的一个八岁女孩,德克萨斯州的一对夫妇,骇客表示除非支付 Bitcoin 赎金,否则他们的生命受到威胁,以及康乃狄克州的一名男子发现一个陌生人正在与他的岳母交流等等。

Ring™ 官方在声明中表示部分问题可能源于其客户缺乏密码保护,建议所有Ring™ 相机用户启用两因素身份验证,以确保安全体验。有兴趣的各位可查看下方的完整声明内容。

Customer trust is important to us and we take the security of our devices seriously. While we are still investigating this issue and are taking appropriate steps to protect our devices based on our investigation, we are able to confirm this incident is in no way related to a breach or compromise of Ring’s security.

Due to the fact that customers often use the same username and password for their various accounts and subscriptions, bad actors often re-use credentials stolen or leaked from one service on other services. As a precaution, we highly and openly encourage all Ring users to enable two-factor authentication on their Ring account, add Shared Users (instead of sharing login credentials), use strong passwords, and regularly change their passwords.

Ring has investigated this incident and has taken appropriate actions to remove the bad actors from all affected accounts. All affected users have been contacted.


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