Apple 在员工研讨中讨论有关网上的泄漏资讯

谈如何阻止漏洞保持 Apple 机密。

Tech & Gadgets 科技

都说过网络之发达已达至不能控制的地步,特别是在 Instagram 平台,很多时候一些未公开发售的东西,都总会预先透过这渠道释放出来。最近 The Outline 便得了 Apple 的内部简报泄漏记录,内容提到是有关「阻止漏洞保持 Apple 机密」的演说,并长达一小时,由 Apple 的安全和通信专家团队领导包括 David Rice,Lee Freedom 和 Jenny Hubbert。整个简报会约有 100 名员工参与,被认为是公司计划的秘密活动,并分享有关 Apple 全球安全团队的信息。

After the first video concludes, Hubbert addresses the room. “So you heard Tim say, ‘We have one more thing.’ So what is that one more thing?” she asks. “Surprise and delight. Surprise and delight when we announce a product to the world that hasn’t leaked. It’s incredibly impactful, in a really positive way. It’s our DNA. It’s our brand. But when leaks get out, that’s even more impactful. It’s a direct hit to all of us.

因为 Apple iPod,iPhone 和 iOS 产品营销副总裁 Greg Joswiak 表示,前 CEO Steve Jobs 是以保密功夫一流而闻名于世,然而 Tim Cook 仍然继续努力。

This has become a big deal for Tim,” Greg Joswiak, Apple’s Vice President of iPod, iPhone and iOS product marketing, says in one of the videos. “Matter of fact, it should be important to literally everybody at Apple that we can’t tolerate this any longer.” Later, Joswiak adds that “I have faith deep in my soul that if we hire smart people they’re gonna think about this, they’re gonna understand this, and ultimately they’re gonna do the right thing, and that’s to keep their mouth shut.

另外在简报会上亦有研究早前有关供应商所泄漏的事件,因为上年 Apple 是成功地减少了工厂那方面的泄漏,但很多事情总是防不胜防,很难去控制得到,监督每一位员工的一举一动,不过演讲上却没有任何是 Apple 更强烈防止混漏的方法。至于在保密介绍中,Apple 便向员工保证,他们可以与任何人讨论更多正常的工作方面例如骂老板或是薪酬,只希望员工可以做好正确的工作守则,减少对外公布任何未公开的硬件或软件信息。不过还是道高一尺魔高一丈,总有机会的,但仍佩服 Apple 在公司处事上仍是值得一看的。



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