Acne Studios 创办人 Jonny Johansson 谈论丹宁服饰设计

面对日渐臃肿的丹宁市场,只有充分树立自己的特色才会找到立足之地,虽然为顾客打造出一条完美的丹宁裤试衣间极其困难的事情,但是还是有许多品牌仍然在努力去做到这一点,比如瑞典时尚品牌 Acne

Fashion 时装

面对日渐臃肿的丹宁市场,只有充分树立自己的特色才会找到立足之地,虽然为顾客打造出一条完美的丹宁裤试衣间极其困难的事情,但是还是有许多品牌仍然在努力去做到这一点,比如瑞典时尚品牌 Acne Studios。最近著名时尚网站 便采访了品牌创始人 Jonny Johansson,与他共同探讨了 Acne 获得成功的经历,以及其他曾激起他创意灵感的丹宁品牌。下面是我们节选的精彩内容,完整文章不妨点击这里阅读。

Acne Studios’ entrance into the denim market has been told often enough that the story has made it onto the brand’s Wikipedia page. Can you tell it again?

Acne was built on the Warholian Factory idea. I thought it would be so cool to be a film director and a fashion designer and maybe a musician. We had these big round-table discussions: How do we enter the fashion thing? What the discussion came down to basically was that five-pocket jeans are the Coca-Cola of fashion. It was never about doing some new denim approach. That was never the idea. We had success with the first 100 pairs we gave to fans and friends and photographers we knew, and forced them to wear. It was a very good start but also a very shocking start. Everything happened really fast. We wanted to be a fashion brand, not just a denim brand, but we got placed in the denim box. It was a bit of a struggle to try to make people interested in the other stuff we wanted to do. We were scared to be this one-product project where you’re hip for a certain moment because you have a new name.

When you look around, are there brands you think are doing interesting things in the denim sphere?

I always like A.P.C. They’ve carved out this timeless zone. They’re never really in and they’re never really out, which I kind of like. And they sort of sprung up in the same period as we did. Not maybe in everything, but regarding the jeans, they’re the brand I like.

As a Levi’s fan from your earliest days, when you look at Levi’s now, what do you think?

Confused. It makes me confused. I’m sorry, that’s the first word that comes to my mind. I think it’s about scale. It’s really a super-big machine that supplies everyone everything. That’s difficult always.



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