《i-D》杂志专访 James Jebbia - 谈论 Supreme 与 Stone Island 联名系列

在 Supreme 与 Stone Island 2014 联名系列正式发布之后,《i-D》杂志专访了 Supreme 创始人 James Jebbia, 而 James

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SupremeStone Island 2014 联名系列正式发布之后,《i-D》杂志专访了 Supreme 创始人 James Jebbia, 而 James 也就这次联名向读者们分享了其背后的故事以及他本人对 Stone Island 品牌的看法。其实 James Jebbia 在 1993 年就已经开始和 Stone Island 创意总监及所有者 Carlo Rivetti 开始了长期合作,并对于品牌深厚的历史底蕴和在面料选用及染色技术上的精益求精而饱含崇敬之情。对于这个创建于 1982 的服饰品牌,James 把它看做与 Polo 和 North Face 齐名相当。此外,James 还表达了他非常享受和 Carlos Rivetti 的合作过程,深受其工作激情的感染。有兴趣的朋友可以在《i-D》杂志官方网站在线阅读这篇文章。

Working directly with Carlo Rivetti, Stone Island’s owner and Creative Director since 1993, James points out that he was incredibly hands-on in the working process: “We were dealing with the owners and Carlo was great to work with. He’d come by just for the simplest thing. They are very specific with their approach to treating fabric and dyes. They treat everything with passion, like they’re just starting out.”

The range unites signatures from both brands with the Stone Island emblem featuring on Supreme’s ubiquitous camp cap, while sweaters and joggers position the Supreme logo under the iconic compass badge. The centrepiece of the collaboration is the jacket, which captures Stone Island’s ongoing military motifs and all-terrain functionality. Handling the Stone Island heritage with integrity was paramount to Supreme, as James explains: “I look at Stone Island on the level of Polo or North Face, what they do is the best. You take the football culture and that image out of it and the clothing is phenomenal. They’re innovative and unique and we’ll see how our customers see it with fresh eyes.”



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