《Apartmento》专访 Band of Outsiders 主导人 Scott Sternberg

在最新一期的《Apartmento》杂志中,刊登了一篇有关洛杉矶时尚品牌 Band of Outsiders 创始人 Scott Sternberg

Fashion 时装

在最新一期的《Apartmento》杂志中,刊登了一篇有关洛杉矶时尚品牌 Band of Outsiders 创始人 Scott Sternberg 的访谈,并展现了自己极具艺术气息的住宅。在这次对话中,这位才华横溢的设计师也谈到了时尚领域内的众多话题,包括作为一个小品牌会遇到的问题等等。此外,他还谈到了自己决定给人气设计师 Tom Ford 提供一些业务决策上的建议。下面我们便为大家带来这次对话的节选内容,完整的访谈内容不妨阅读这里

Sternberg marvels at getting it done, Tom Ford style: “Tom Ford is an interesting one. He’s somebody that got out, not intentionally. I think he sort of screwed up. He played his cards a little too far and they said, ‘bye bye,’ at Gucci and then he somewhat successfully made a movie…Then, he gets back in the industry. At the beginning I thought, ‘God, this guy is kind of genius.’ He launched fragrance and eyewear first and then beauty, makeup—all of it. Now these are the tertiary things that you do. Actually, that other people do with your brand so that you make a lot of money. Now I’m like, ‘Oh my god, he’s so fucking smart,’ because he doesn’t have to do all this crap, waste all this fabric, make all these clothes that nobody is ever going to buy that’s essentially for a few stylists to shoot and is part of the ‘dog and pony show’. He just cut right to the chase. What a genius.”

…Or maybe Ford isn’t a genius, Sternberg muses: “And then all of the sudden, he’s doing menswear and opening these ridiculous stores that are so out of touch to me with where consumers are at these days, even the luxury consumer. And then he’s doing womenswear and then he’s not showing on the runway and I’m like, ‘He’s a genius, he’s not doing the runway.’ And now, he’s showing on the runway. So I don’t know, I guess we’re not on the same page, Tom Ford and I.”

But still, there’s plenty to envy about the TF model: “He’s selling a dream without the middle part, without that sort of wasted part.”



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