Daniel Arsham 发布个人首部影像作品《FUTURE RELIC 01》

来自纽约的视觉艺术家 Daniel Arsham 日前在 2013 迈阿密艺术展上,发布名为《FUTURE RELIC 01》的首部个人影像作品。这部短片由艺术家与 Swizz Beatz 和设计师

Art 艺术

来自纽约的视觉艺术家 Daniel Arsham 日前在 2013 迈阿密艺术展上,发布名为《FUTURE RELIC 01》的首部个人影像作品。这部短片由艺术家与 Swizz Beatz 和设计师 Richard Chai 共同打造而成,在长达 7 分钟的时间里,讲述了一位考古学家探索未知的海岸线,并试图寻求事物真谛的故事。为此,Daniel Arsham 也接受了独立文化网站 NOWNESS 的访问,探讨这部影片及其最新艺术创作背后的故事。艺术家自己也表示:「我所设定的大多是未知的场景。在《FUTURE RELIC 01》中你能感受到这些似乎是通过未来考古而发掘出的物品,从而留给观众们无限的想像空间。」感兴趣的朋友赶紧查看以上短片,并完整阅读由 NOWNESS 带来的独家访谈。

What did you draw on in order to create the world within “Future Relic 01”?
The visual language draws from Lawrence of Arabia. The film was shot entirely at dawn, which is the same technique that was used in the 1962 film, this day-for-night quality. So we shot everything in the day and then the color was adjusted so it appears like moonlight.

Why was film the right medium for this project?
A lot of the work I do is static. I work in many different mediums, and about six years ago I started to work with the choreographer Merce Cunningham, doing stage design. This notion of time-based art, something that creates a kind of arc, is a very different process from creating a static object in the form of a sculpture or a painting. Film is something that I love, but is definitely the sort of medium that requires collaboration. There are 20 or 30 people who worked on this film—it’s not like a painting that I can make myself. So it was really about waiting for the perfect moment, and finding the right collaborators.

How important is collaboration to your work?
I think it’s extremely important. First of all, I can be a master of certain things that I do within the studio. But I can never master all of these other qualities in film. For me, collaboration has always been a way to recognize and learn from other people who have these amazing skills. For example, Swizz Beats did the score. This was something that was very outside of his normal way of working but I think he really made a beautifully subtle piece that was very much in key with what I was looking for.



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