与美国邮政署达成共识!Nike Air Force 1 Experimental 蓝白配色鞋款即将发售


Footwear 球鞋

Nike N.354 实验性支线于三月份以 United States Postal Service(USPS 美国邮政署)为主题推出致敬之作,不料 USPS 美国邮政署却对此感到不满,向 HYPEBEAST 提供了一份声明,指出 Nike 并未在该运动鞋上市之前进行咨询,因此将会极力捍卫自身权利。

事隔多月,双方于近日发布最新声明稿,意旨 Nike 已获 USPS 美国邮政署的官方正式许可,现已可正式发售该鞋款设计:

The U.S. Postal Service and NIKE, Inc. are pleased to announce they have come to a resolution on the upcoming release of Nike footwear inspired by the U.S. Postal Service. The Experimental Nike Air Force 1 footwear are officially licensed by the U.S. Postal Service. Any early images of this shoe were not authorized for release by Nike.

虽未透露更多共识后的条约细节,不过 USPS 美国邮政署势必从中得到部分补偿,如今鞋迷们不妨静待这双潜力大作的正式发售动作。

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Nike 宣佈將削減 Air Force 1 鞋款產量
Footwear 球鞋

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消息稱 PEACEMINUSONE x Nike Air Force 1 即將迎來第三回联名鞋款發佈
Footwear 球鞋

消息称 PEACEMINUSONE x Nike Air Force 1 即将迎来第三回联名鞋款发布


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Footwear 球鞋

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Footwear 球鞋

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Fashion 时装 Footwear 球鞋

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