Microsoft 正式收购《Fallout》游戏开发商 Bethesda Softworks

意味 Xbox 持有《Fallout》、《Doom》等强档游戏所有权。

Gaming 游戏

Microsoft 以 $75 亿美元的价格收购了 ZeniMax Media 和游戏开发商 Bethesda Softworks,意味著 Xbox 将持有《Fallout》、《Doom》、《The Elder Scrolls》等强档游戏的所有权。Xbox 的 Phil Spencer 稍早发表的一封公开信中,称此次收购是 Microsoft 的一个重大里程碑,因为该公司将正式拥有 23 个创意工作团队,分别为 PC 和 Xbox 制作游戏。 Bethesda Softworks 全球行销副总裁发表了另一篇文章,称该公司「与 Microsoft合作已有很长的一段历史」,并将继续像往常一样制作游戏。

Phil Spence 信件完整内容如下:

Bethesda’s games have always had a special place on Xbox and in the hearts of millions of gamers around the world. Our teams have a close and storied history working together, from the amazing first DOOM, and its id Tech engine, innovating games on PCs to Bethesda bringing their first console game to the original Xbox, the groundbreaking The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Over the years I’ve had many deep conversations with the creative leaders at Bethesda on the future of gaming and we’ve long shared similar visions for the opportunities for creators and their games to reach more players in more ways.

Just as they took the bold first steps to bring The Elder Scrolls franchise to the original Xbox, Bethesda were early supporters of Xbox Game Pass, bringing their games to new audiences across devices and have been actively investing in new gaming technology like cloud streaming of games. We will be adding Bethesda’s iconic franchises to Xbox Game Pass for console and PC, including Obsidian and Arkane Studios, and Tango Gameworks. One of the things that has me most excited is seeing the roadmap with Bethesda’s future games, some announced and many unannounced, to Xbox console and PC including Starfield, the highly anticipated, new space epic currently in development by Bethesda Game Studios.


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