Matt Reeves 表示其执导电影《The Batman》将不会为起源故事


Entertainment 娱乐

Warner Bros. 宣布开拍《 The Batman》全新三部曲系列,并找来 Robert Pattinson 接任全新蝙蝠侠,由 Matt Reeves 去执导。前阵子便率先释出 Batmobile 蝙蝠车的真身,并由 Robert Pattinson 身穿着蝙蝠战衣站在旁边。近日导演 Matt Reeves 在接受 Nerdist 采访时便透露,他所执导的电影《The Batman》将不会为大家都熟悉的起源故事,而是一个仍然可以承认他起源的故事。即是会有承认蝙蝠侠的诞生,但并不会再次展示 Bruce Wayne 父母丧命的景象。而 Matt Reeves 亦表示幸运地 Warner Bros. 同意他对蝙蝠侠的看法,就如他的所有电影一样,他希望能够人性化一点,这才是真正的电影创作。

I can only understand where the camera goes and how to talk about the story, how to write the story, how to talk to the actors, if I understand emotionally what it is I have to do. Otherwise I’d be lost. … There’s something in there that feels very psychological, very emotional, and it felt like there was a way of exploring that along with the corruption in this place, Gotham. That feels very current. I think it always does. There’s almost no time when you can’t do a story about corruption. But today, it still seems incredibly resonant and maybe, from my perspective, maybe more so than maybe at other time.

各位想详细阅看访问内容的,可点击至 Nerdist 网站上,并不妨在留言中互相表达一下意见。



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