Sony Interactive Entertainment 执行长 Jim Ryan 亲自揭示 PlayStation 5「六大亮点」

将六大亮点称为划时代的「Future-Proof Technology」。

Gaming 游戏

CES 2020 大会上,负责 PlayStation 业务的 Sony Interactive Entertainment 执行长 Jim Ryan 正式向众人证实了先前曾释出的,Sony PlayStation 5 的六大注目特点。在这台次世代主机中,Jim Ryan 表示 PlayStation 5 将在 PlayStation 4 的基础上大幅成长,称其将具备所谓的「Future-Proof Technology」未来游戏科技规格,包括超高速固态硬碟,3D 环绕音源、超高清蓝光光碟、硬体光线追踪以及全新的 DualShock 游戏手柄。Jim Ryan 说:「在这样的基础下,PlayStation 5 将会让开方者能够扩展更大的游戏世界,带来全新的游戏体验,让玩家能够获得前所未有的游戏画面、游戏配乐以及游戏感受。」

有兴趣的各位不妨查看下方的完整声明,并期待 Sony PlayStation 5 在 2020 年底圣诞假期的正式贩售。

“Our promise to the 100 million-strong PlayStation community is to offer the biggest and best in content. And to deliver unique experiences to gamers with unprecedented speed. There’s much more to share about PlayStation 5 in the months ahead, and we look forward to revealing more details, including the content that will showcase the platform and the future of gaming. Community is the bedrock of how we grow our company and it’s why our brand is so beloved. It’s that promise that the PlayStation brand was built on 25 years ago, and we will continue our mission to bring that to players all around the world.”


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