Virgil Abloh、Futura 等人共同出演!村上隆 2019 夏季展览正式开催

在艺术界、时尚界和潮流界有著举足轻重角色的村上隆,7 月 16 日至 7 月 27 日在东京举办了 Kaikai Kiki Gallery 的夏季展览。展览中展出了不只自己的作品,还有许多和他的好友们一同创作的内容,像是:Virgil Abloh、Futura 等人。作品尺寸由小到大,摆饰到装置艺术应有尽有。
这次特别让人注意的作品包括和 MADSAKI 合作的日本国旗版画、Futura 代表性的金属版本 Pointman、Virgil Abloh 的大型装置艺术,以及 Otani Workshop 所制的陶艺作品。
A statement on the summer show by Takashi Murakami:
Hello, this is Takashi Murakami. From July 16 to July 27, 2019, Kaikai Kiki Gallery will hold a group exhibition of our represented artists. Featuring MADSAKI, Otani Workshop, Yuji Ueda, TENGAone, and more, the artists who have joined us in past few years are very energetic and are producing artworks one after another– so much so that they cannot fit them into their solo exhibitions. Virgil Abloh, for one, has become Louis Vuitton’s artistic director, and also currently has a solo exhibition at MCA Chicago. His energy is overwhelming! I also will also exhibit a new collaboration piece.
除了村上隆的展览之外,读者亦可关注 Futura 与 New York Mets 携手打造 50 周年纪念商品系列。
Kaikai Kiki Gallery
2-3-30 Motoazabu | Crest Bldg. B1F
Minato 106-0046, Tokyo Prefecture