《Forbes》公布 2019 年全球前 50 支最具价值职业运动队伍

《Forbes》在早先正式公布了 2019 年全球最具价值职业运动队伍的排名,从中能够看到隶属 NFL 的 Dallas Cowboys 已是连续第 4 次上榜,现任老板 Jerry Jones 在 30 年前以 $1.5 亿美元的价格收购至今,市值已达 $50 亿美元,另外同样为 NFL 联盟的 New England Patriots 与 New York Giants 也分别以 $38.1 亿和 $33 亿美元位列第 7 及第 10 名。
而不仅 NFL,NBA、MLB 和足球队伍亦同样有惊人的价值,其中 New York Yankees 便拥有 $46 亿美元身价,强势登上榜眼位置,豪门 Real Madrid 及 F.C. Barcelona 也占据了第 3、4 名,前 5 顺位的最后一位则是 New York Knicks 以 $40 亿美元拿下。
50 Most Valuable Sports Franchises in 2019 (Value in USD)
1. Dallas Cowboys – $5 billion
2. New York Yankees – $4.6 billion
3. Real Madrid – $4.24 billion
4. F.C. Barcelona – $4.02 billion
5. New York Knicks – $4 billion
6. Manchester United – $3.81 billion
7. New England Patriots – $3.81 billion
8. Los Angeles Lakers – $3.5 billion
9. Golden State Warriors – $3.5 billion
10. New York Giants and Los Angeles Dodgers – $3.3 billion (tied)
12. Boston Red Sox and Los Angeles Rams – $3.2 billion (tied)
14. Washington Redskins and Chicago Cubs – $3.1 billion (tied)
16. San Francisco 49ers – $3.05 billion
17. Bayern Munich – $3.02 billion
18. San Francisco Giants – $3 billion
19. Chicago Bulls and Chicago Bears – $2.9 billion (tied)
21. New York Jets – $2.85 billion
22. Houston Texans and Boston Celtics – $2.8 billion (tied)
24. Philadelphia Eagles – $2.75 billion
25. Manchester City – $2.69 billion
26. Denver Broncos – $2.65 billion
27. Green Bay Packers – $2.63 billion
28. Atlanta Falcons – $2.6 billion
29. Baltimore Ravens – $2.59 billion
30. Pittsburgh Steelers – $2.59 billion
31. Seattle Seahawks – $2.58 billion
32. Chelsea F.C. – $2.58 billion
33. Miami Dolphins – $2.58 billion
34. Oakland Raiders – $2.42 billion
35. Minnesota Vikings – $2.4 billion
36. Indianapolis Colts – $2.38 billion
37. Brooklyn Nets – $2.35 billion
38. Houston Rockets, Carolina Panthers and New York Mets- $2.3 billion (tied)
41. Los Angeles Chargers – $2.28 billion
42. Arsenal F.C. – $2.27 billion
43. Dallas Mavericks – $2.25 billion
44. Los Angeles Clippers – $2.2 billion
45. Liverpool F.C. – $2.18 billion
46. Arizona Cardinals – $2.15 billion
47. St. Louis Cardinals and Kansas City Chiefs – $2.1 billion (tied)
49. Jacksonville Jaguars – $2.08 billion
50. New Orleans Saints – $2.08 billion