A$AP Rocky 粉丝在威胁炸毁瑞典大使馆后遭警方逮捕

A$AP Rocky 于瑞典被逮补一事在近期闹闹得沸沸扬扬,并受到各界关注,甚至美国总统 Donald Trump 亦出面进行交涉,不过不久之前瑞典检察官还是宣布瑞典当局将起诉 Rocky,使得各位声援 Rocky 的朋友与粉丝感到相当愤概。
而今回,便传出一位 A$AP Rocky 的激进粉丝 Rebecca Kanter 在美国华盛顿州的瑞典大使馆闹事,扬言要炸毁瑞典大使馆,随后遭到警方逮捕。一名特勤局官员在声明中提到,Rebecca 被指控故意伤害及破坏外国政府财产,其更在瑞典大使馆对工作人员大肆尖叫、骚扰一群来访的学生,且对使馆大楼造成损害。据悉在事发前一天,Rebecca 亦向瑞典大使馆扔撒了一瓶可口可乐罐装饮料,并说:「我将会把这里炸掉!」,此夸张行径令人摇头。
更多 A$AP Rocky 逮捕事件有待后续官方更新,各位读者亦可留意 Dickies 携手 CREATION 打造最新嘻哈舞蹈派对「OLD SKOOL RESURGENTS」。
Very disappointed in Prime Minister Stefan Löfven for being unable to act. Sweden has let our African American Community down in the United States. I watched the tapes of A$AP Rocky, and he was being followed and harassed by troublemakers. Treat Americans fairly! #FreeRocky
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 25, 2019
I want my friend out.. I appreciate you trying to help him. But while your at it @realDonaldTrump can you also let those kids out of cages?
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) July 20, 2019