Quentin Tarantino 电影《The Hateful Eight》于 Netflix 推出加长版迷你影集

深爱 Quentin Tarantino 的影迷请多加留意!

Entertainment 娱乐

喜欢知名大导 Quentin Tarantino 的影迷应该都在关注由两大巨星 Brad Pitt 与 Leonardo DiCaprio 共同主演的话题新作《Once Upon a Time in Hollywood》(好莱坞杀人事件)的相关新闻,不料却有网民发现知名串流平台 Netflix 上的《The Hateful Eight》(八恶人)竟存有两种版本?!

根据 Quentin Tarantino 本人表示,Netflix 来询问他是否存有多余的画面,如果有的话是否有兴趣剪成 3 到 4 集的迷你影集。而他听完后觉得这项提议真的非常吸引人,因为《The Hateful Eight》是以一部电影的方式呈现,他如有机会使用所有拍摄的画面,并且透过迷你影集的方式呈现,他是会想试试的。

因此,Quentin Tarantino 与编剧 Fred Raskin 一同再拍摄了近 25 分钟的画面,并将其重新编制,打造一集 50 分钟的迷你剧,透过章节式的形式做呈现,Quentin 坦承与电影相比,它的确拥有一种不同的感觉。

“So Netflix came to us and said, ‘Hey, look, if you’d be interested…If there’s even more footage, if you’d be interested in putting it together and in a way that we could show it as three or four episodes, depending on how much extra footage you have, we’d be willing to do that.’ And I thought, wow, that’s really intriguing. I mean, the movie exists as a movie, but if I were to use all the footage we shot, and see if I could put it together in episode form, I was game to give that a shot, give that a try.”

目前亚洲地区 Netflix 疑似尚未播映此片,有兴趣的读者不妨留意 HYPEBEAST 的追踪报导,亦可关注《复仇者联盟》多位演员片酬曝光的最新情报



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