Sebastian Stan 有意取代 Chris Evans 成为下一任 Captain America


Entertainment 娱乐

根据 MCU 定下的发展方向,在两辑即将上映的《Avengers》电影完结后,整个故事轴将会近来巨大的改变,因此不少人认为像是 Iron Man、Captain America 等合约到期的演员将会面临死亡的结局。早于《Captain America: The Winter Soldier》中,Winter Soldier(Bucky Barnes)一直被认为是 Marvel 铺路成为下任 Captain America,事关在漫画《The Death of Captain America》中,Bucky Barnes 就曾成为过第二任 Captain America,所以漫画迷一直深信电影亦会这样发展。而演员 Sebastian Stan 自己亦在一则访问中作出以下表示:

I mean, yeah I would love that one day, absolutely. I don’t know when that day would be, and I just think…it would be a very different Captain America you know, you wouldn’t be able to have the same Captain America as you have right now because he’s a different guy. Again, there’s this issue where we’ve got to get him to be trustworthy enough for them to give him that responsibility, you know, to fill those shoes, and those are hard shoes to fill. So I think it’s possible, I really do, but it just has to make sense and we might need a little more time.

Sebastian Stan 表示若然有机会接手 Chris Evans 成为下一任 Captain America,一定会带来一个不同的 Captain America,但同时认为这将会是很艰钜的任勉,不过即使「交接」属实,也一定要附合情理,所以需要一点时间去铺排。虽然 Chris Even 的队长合约结束了,但似乎他还未拿定主意是否要继续演下去,大家能从 Sebastian Stan 的表态参透什么玄机吗?



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