DC 英雄电影《Cyborg》部分剧情曝光
Cyborg 父亲 Silas Stone 于专访时意外透漏。

DC 于去年推出期待大作《Justice League》后反应两极的表现,让不少影迷感到忧心忡忡,而在今年 2018 年只打算上映一部《Aquaman》,而敌营 MARVEL 则是一举推出七部,差距十分悬殊。 《Justice League》中担任 Cyborg 父亲 Silas Stone 的男星 Joe Morton,近日接受 Entertainment Tonight 专访时谈到了他对《Cyborg》个人电影的期许,并分享了主要剧情的叙述。他提到了电影会著重在父子两人的生活、家庭生活与成为 Cyborg 的过程,更谈到了 Cyborg 是一位黑人英雄的重要性,Cyborg 无法隐藏自己的身份,必须坦然面对全新身份的降临。
From what I understand, there will be a Cyborg movie. It will be about him and I, and about the family that he came from, how he becomes the Cyborg, et cetera, But from whence he came, as well….I think it’s very exciting I think it’s exciting because there aren’t that many, if any, black superheroes, and in his case in particular, because there is no alias, because there is nothing for him to hide behind, and that he has to be who he is all the time. I think it’s a great kind of allegory for what it means to be black in this country.
Silas Stone 于专访中也谈及了与 Zack Snyder 和 Joss Whedon 两位导演的合作十分愉快,并渴望回归 DC 电影的拍摄。《Cyborg》将于 2020 年 4 月 3 日正式上映,仍需等待两年时间,有兴趣的读者请多加留意 HYPEBEAST 的追踪报导,并了解《Shazam!》最新的上映情报!