人气卡通《Rick and Morty》第四季或将于 2019 年回归?

你此刻的心情是否与 Morty 一样难过?

Entertainment 娱乐

席卷全球的人气卡通《Rick and Morty》近期荣登 2017 年度十大「非法下载影集」中的第五名,证明了这部深受年轻人喜爱的卡通有著不凡的高度魅力,或许能成为本世代次文化的新兴代表性产物。近日《Rick and Morty》团队编剧之一成员 Ryan Ridley,表示目前尚未有人著手第四季的工作,意指目前团队是处于停摆状态。

先前第三季动画上线与剧本完成的间隔足足有八个月之久,而随著《Rick and Morty》的剧情发展更加深入,剧情的撰写也并非简单工事,编剧表示没意外必须等到 2019 年才能看见《Rick and Morty》第四季。先前《Rick and Morty》也曾间隔 18 个月才等到新一季的到来,因此大家也只能继续等待,并留意 HYPEBEAST 的追踪报导,同时亦可浏览人气电影《Wonder Woman 2》释出的最新情报

They really take their time. I never understood why everybody — all parties, Dan, Justin, and Adult Swim — didn’t get their shit together, and make the show fast. I just don’t get it. It doesn’t make any sense to me. I’m sure they all have their reasons. I know how long this show takes to write, let alone animate. I’d be surprised if there was a fourth season on the air anytime sooner than 2019… late 2019. Get your shit together, you guys. Get it all together, and put it in a backpack.



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