传媒大亨《Playboy》创办人 Hugh Hefner 逝世


Entertainment 娱乐

成人杂志《Playboy》于官方推特正式发布,创办人 Hugh Hefner 于今日逝世,享年 91 岁。根据外媒报导,Hugh Hefner 在洛杉矶的豪宅中(Playboy Mansion)自然死亡,当时亲友都在身旁陪伴。Hugh Hefner 于 1953 年正式创立《Playboy》,随后便开启属于他的帝国事业,一路上捧红了许多名人,翻转了传统纸媒世界,更打造出独特的「Palyboy」成人异想世界。在 Hugh Hefner 逝世后,儿子 Cooper Hefner 于声明中道出父亲对社会上的贡献与付出:

My father lived an exceptional and impactful life as a media and cultural pioneer and a leading voice behind some of the most significant social and cultural movements of our time in advocating free speech, civil rights and sexual freedom.

He defined a lifestyle and ethos that lie at the heart of the Playboy brand, one of the most recognizable and enduring in history.He will be greatly missed by many, including his wife Crystal, my sister Christieand my brothers David and Marston, and all of us at Playboy Enterprises.



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