近赏 Nike 最新「NBA Connected Jersey」球衣系列
30 支球队球衣完整收录!

Nike 于昨日正式解开「Nike NBA Connected Jersey」的全新风貌,导入晶片技术结合手机应用程式「NikeConnect」,即可透过感应了解该球队的最新动态,大大提升球迷与球队之间的互动性。发表会中,Nike 大动作邀请来 30 支球队的正式球员,包括 Kevin Durant、Blake Griffin 与 Kemba Walker 等知名球星。随著 Nike 新球衣的亮相,也意味著部分球队赞助商的合作事宜正式开跑,包括 Western Union、Disney 与 Harley Davidson 等知名大厂。Nike CEO Mark Parker 对于能与 NBA 的合作感到十分兴奋,在最新声明中表示:
When you think about basketball, you think of Nike and the NBA. After helping fuel the sport’s impact for years, we are thrilled to now be able to push the boundaries of what’s possible directly with the NBA. From modernizing the look of the game to revolutionizing how fans can be a part of it, we can’t wait for the season to start.
以上为 NBA 30 支球队最新球衣的完整面貌,欣赏完不妨告诉我们你最爱哪一套?