力的表现!Adele 于 Grammy 颁奖礼上将奖座一分为二予 Beyoncé

表达对 Beyoncé 的尊敬,同时展现其傻大姐的一面!

Music 音乐

第 59 届 Grammy 颁奖礼终于完满结束,而 Adele 于颁奖礼上以专辑《25》夺得「Album Of The Year」殊荣,她于台上更兴奋得将奖座一分为二,与 Beyoncé 分享。虽说这行为实在让人惊讶,但 Adele 在台上表示:「The Lemonade album was just so monumental, Beyoncé. It was so monumental and well thought-out and beautiful and soul-bearing… we appreciate that. All of us artists here adore you. You are our light」展示出 Beyoncé 于乐坛的重要性以及对她的尊敬。而 Adele 于下台后更表示:「I thought it was her year. What the fuck does she have to do to win Album of the Year?」表达出其心目中对 Beyoncé 的爱戴,认为「Album Of The Year」应该会由《Lemonade》获得,而这些表现亦展示了其可爱直率的一面。



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