剧透慎入!《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》导演解释为何 Obi-Wan Kenobi 没有回归


Entertainment 娱乐

看完《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》的话,应该知道尤达大师(Master Yoda)在戏中以绝地英灵的状态,现身在 Luke Skywalker 面前并给他上了一课。不过近日电影的导演 Rian Johnson 接受 The Playlist 访问时,就被问及为何安排 Master Yoda 出场而不是 Luke 的启蒙老师 Obi-Wan Kenobi,导演对此作出了解释 :
劇透慎入!《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》導演解釋為何 Obi-Wan Kenobi 沒有回歸
Believe me, man. I would have loved to have had Ewan McGregor in the movie but it was just a matter of storytelling. The original relationship with Obi Wan — obviously if Alec Guiness were still with us that would have made sense. But we never saw Luke ever interact with the Ewan version of Obi Wan, so there’s less of the emotional connection and it might have been a little odd. So, it made sense and we could recreate that character [practically], so it made sense that Yoda be the one that comes back and kicks [Luke’s] butt a little.
Rian Johnson 表示如果 Alec Guinness 还在生的话,他那版本的 Obi-Wan Kenobi 跟 Luke 同场演出会比较合理,不过如果只能安排 Ewan McGregor 版本的 Obi-Wan Kenobi 参与,最后的效果可能会有点奇怪,因为观众从未见过 Ewan McGregor 版的 Obi-Wan Kenobi 跟 Luke 之间有过互动,所以安排尤达大师出场是比较合理的安排。

另外,导演近日亦解构了《Star Wars: The Last Jedi》结局的深层含意,还有 Mark Hamill 证实了在今次电影中演出了 Luke Skywalker 以外的另一神秘角色,有兴趣可到这里查看。



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