Hugh Jackman 会因《X-Men》加入 Marvel 电影宇宙而再演 Wolverine 吗?

Hugh Jackman 在近日正面作出了回应。

Entertainment 娱乐

Disney 正式宣布收购 21st Century Fox 部份资产,并表示《X-Men》在往后将加入 Marvel 电影宇宙后,大家都关心 Hugh Jackman 会否因而决定再次演出 Wolverine 狼人一角,近日他接受 Collider 访问时作出了回应:
It’s interesting because for the whole 17 years I kept thinking that would be so great, like I would love to see, particularly, Iron Man and the Hulk and Wolverine together. And every time I saw an Avengers movie I could just see Wolverine in the middle of all of them like punching them all on the head. But it was like, ‘Oh well, that’s not gonna happen,’ and it was interesting just when I first saw that headline – it was just the possibility of it and who knows what’s gonna happen, obviously – I was like, ‘Hang on!’ But I think, unfortunately, the ship has sailed for me, but for someone else I would like to see Wolverine in there.
Hugh Jackman 表示一直都对《X-Men》和《Avengers》合作有所憧憬,可惜他能参与其中的机会经已远离自己了,不过他仍然期望能看到由其他人饰演的 Wolverine,将会参与在未来《X-Men》和《Avengers》合作的作品当中。

另外,《Justice League》早期完整剧本在近日曝光,似乎比现在的精彩得多,有兴趣可到这里查看。



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