《Whale Whisperers》荣获 2015《国家地理旅行者》摄影大赛一等奖

经过两个月的筛选和审评之后,《国家地理旅行者》近日正式公布了 2015 摄影大赛的获奖作品。本次大赛一共征集了超过 17,000 幅来自全球摄影爱好者和职业摄影师的作品,而最终获奖的 10 张照片也分为户外场景、旅行见闻、地方感受和精彩瞬间四大类别。其中获得一等奖的作品《Whale Whisperers》来自摄影师 Anuar Patjane,记录了在墨西哥雷维亚希赫多群岛附近,一只雌性座头鲸和幼崽从摄影师身边游过的样子,而他也获得了前往哥斯达黎加和巴拿马运河旅游的奖励。对此摄影师表示:
The photo wasn’t planned. I was taking photos near the head of the whale, and all of a sudden she began to swim toward the rest of the diving team. The divers gave the whale and her calf space, and I just clicked at the moment when the flow and composition seemed right.
除了《Whale Whisperers》之外,感兴趣的朋友还可以登陆 travel.nationalgeographic.com 查看其他获奖作品。