adidas CEO Herbert Hainer 声称销售额的大幅增长要归功于 Pharrell 和 Kanye West

在昨日举办的 adidas Q1 电话会议中,adidas CEO Herbert Hainer 宣布 adidas Originals 财政年第一季度的盈利增长率达到 29%,相比去年同期 3%

Fashion 时装

在昨日举办的 adidas Q1 电话会议中,adidas CEO Herbert Hainer 宣布 adidas Originals 财政年第一季度的盈利增长率达到 29%,相比去年同期 3% 的增长率,有了大幅度的提高。Hainer 特别指出销售额的增长归功于 Pharrell Williams 的 adidas Superstar 联名系列以及 Kanye West 的 Yeezy Boost 发售。但考虑到 Yeezy Season 1 的限量程度,Hainer 认为 Stan Smith、ZX Flux 与 Tubular Runner 的出众销售成绩也在其中起到了举足轻重的作用。感兴趣的朋友可以浏览以下原文。

In the lifestyle sector, we also got off to a great start into the year. The adidas Superstar quickly became the shoe of the season. And the global launch of the Supercolor pack, the introduction of the Superstar Silver in 50 different colorways, in cooperation with Pharrell Williams, has brought the franchise to new levels. Sales and sell through spiked the growth of all channels around the globe, creating halo effects far beyond the product itself.

Moreover, at the launch of the Yeezy Boost, our first shoe developed in collaboration with Kanye West, long queues formed in front of stores. And let’s not forget the success of the newly launched Tubular and the latest version of the ZX Flux. All of this drove an aggressive 29% sales increase at adidas Originals, with strong double-digit increases in all markets, except Russia.



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