Raf Simons 在《Another Man》专访中谈论家人对于设计的影响

Raf Simons 在聚光灯下通常表现得十分拘谨,正如在纪录片《Dior and I》中他的角色一样,所以他在同名品牌 2015

Fashion 时装

Raf Simons 在聚光灯下通常表现得十分拘谨,正如在纪录片《Dior and I》中他的角色一样,所以他在同名品牌 2015 春夏系列中大方公布一些家庭照片是很多人没有料到的。随著他的作品在全球受到欢迎,这位声名鹊起的创意大师与《Another Man》进行了深入对话,介绍了家人的重要性以及他们带来的影响。节选部分展示了 Raf Simons 是如何谈论亲人,并可到 Another Man 欣赏更多图片。

After the Autumn/Winter collection with Sterling Ruby, it seemed that the only possible way to go for spring/summer was deeper inside myself — to find out where designing all started and how it fits with me personally. This collection was not about shapes or forms, it was a kind of ‘memory-wear.’ I was always thinking of the future for so many years and I was always anti-romanticising the past. But I have to admit the past can be beautiful too. There has never been a collection with so much of me personally attached to it.

I have always hated having my picture taken; I’m not sure why, but maybe it just felt irrelevant to me in terms of what I do. If I could choose to be anonymous I would be – I know it’s a cliché, but it’s true. Now, I have started to look at photographs in a different kind of way, as part of a memory. Many of the photographs I have used on the clothing in this collection are connected to emotions: love, happiness, fear, sadness… they all connect to moments in my life. Then there are pictures related to things that inspired me in the moment, as well as things I have always been obsessed by. Choosing the pictures was a very intuitive process; not everything was really about explaining in words.



Ingo Enzi 打造迪拜延時影片《A Taste of Dubai》
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Ingo Enzi 打造迪拜延时影片《A Taste of Dubai》

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Pharrell 出鏡環保紀錄片《The Plastic Age》官方預告
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Pharrell 出镜环保纪录片《The Plastic Age》官方预告

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adidas Originals ZX FLUX「Prism Weave」系列
Footwear 球鞋

adidas Originals ZX FLUX「Prism Weave」系列

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《GQ Korea》打造 New Balance ML999CCW 造型特辑

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Footwear 球鞋

New Balance 2015 春夏 CM1600LB「Marshmallow」配色设计

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Remix Premium Issue「Stay Gold」十周年纪念特刊

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Prada 打造「The Postman Dreams」系列时尚短片

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