《i-D》专访 Ximon Lee -谈论设计生涯及「Unisex」风格服饰

《i-D》日前专访了 24 岁的年轻设计师 Ximon Lee。作为第一个赢得 H&M 设计大奖的男装设计师,Ximon Lee

Fashion 时装

《i-D》日前专访了 24 岁的年轻设计师 Ximon Lee。作为第一个赢得 H&M 设计大奖的男装设计师,Ximon Lee 通过天马行空的创意廓形剪彩、和对古典著装与未来时装的极致混合让业界眼前一亮,其个人品牌 2015 秋冬系列也在前不久宣布第一次向公众发售。采访中,Ximon 大谈自己走上服装设计道路的经历及如何定义自己的设计师身份;同时也就「Unisex」服装发表了自己的看法。感兴趣的朋友可以点击此处阅读专访完整内容。

How has where you’ve grown up influenced your aesthetic as a designer?
Where you grow up, what language you speak, what kind of practice you uphold in an environment — those things influence everything you do. My worldview, my sense of values, everything is based in the culture I grew up in. When I speak to you, I might think in a different way than anybody else. I might mix three languages together to express myself and my emotions, and I think that’s important.

When did you first know you wanted to be a fashion designer?
I took a summer class in which I was exposed to all the different fashion construction techniques for the first time. When I came to New York I was very sure that I would do graphic design. But learning about construction and textiles was not what I thought it would be. It was like transforming an idea from a sheet of paper into a three-dimensional product. That was the moment when I realized that fashion is more involved. Like architecture, you’re building something. You can touch and feel your work, and see it moving.

Your collections have been defined as menswear, but you closed your H&M show in Stockholm with a woman. Why is it important for you to design for both genders?
I don’t believe in the idea of unisex. It’s such a blurred concept and you can’t focus when you say, “I’m doing unisex [clothing], for both men and women.” My focus was on menswear but I think that when you have great work, it gravitates towards both genders. When it’s on the rack, in a store in London or Hong Kong, it doesn’t categorize itself as menswear or womenswear. If a girl loves a menswear jacket, and she wants to wear it, it becomes womenswear.



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