Ricks Owens 与 Shayne Oliver 共同接受《Purple Magazine》专访

Rick Owens 在 1994 年就创立了个人品牌,而 Shayne Oliver 的 Hood By Air 则在 2006

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Rick Owens 在 1994 年就创立了个人品牌,而 Shayne OliverHood By Air 则在 2006 年惊艳亮相,表面看起来诞生于不同时代背景的两品牌却在美学理念中有著异曲同工之妙。狂野的暗黑哲学、天马行空的廓形剪裁,这些特质让两品牌在时尚界「特立独行」。而在最新一期《Purple Magazine》(Issue 23)杂志中,读者们将有幸看到两人共同接受专访。面对各自的设计流程、男权主义等话题,Owens 与 Oliver 娓娓而谈;此外,两人还就如何鞭策自己、挑战极限的方式相互讨论,从而引出以下文字中「Death Drop」话题。感兴趣的朋友可以前去《Purple Magazine》线上店铺购买杂志,并阅读专访完整内容。

Olivier Zahm — What is a death drop?
Rick Owens — It’s where you kind of turn around and then fall backward and land with one leg up and the other one back, and then you pick yourself back up. But the thing is, you actually have to take a leap of faith and fall into it. I can’t do it.
Shayne Oliver — You know, it’s like practicing a new muscle. It’s going to hurt.
Rick Owens — Because it’s the leg-underneath-you thing.
Shayne Oliver — Yeah, it hurts for the first, like, two weeks, and then you’re okay; then you can do anything.
Rick Owens — Okay, imagine a 52-year-old man in a hotel room, watching… s
Shayne Oliver — Did you try it already?
Rick Owens — For like a week, I was working on it! And I was thinking, I’m fit, I can do this. I’m not afraid of a little pain, and I had Feminine Destruction on YouTube. She does it really great, so I was like, “I can just do it really slow, break it down, and figure it out, right?” And I just couldn’t do it, because there was this point where there’s no logic to it; you just have to throw yourself into it and hope for the best.



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