Arian Foster《Where We Dwell》视觉诗篇
美式橄榄球运动就如美国大片一样,火爆、激情、狂野等词语成为了这项运动的标签,它将暴力美学完美诠释,给球迷带来超级震撼的视觉享受。然而,除了讲究激烈的身体对抗之外,勇气、智慧、心智同样是这项运动中不可或缺的元素。来自于 Houston Texans 队的外接手 Arian Foster 就经常通过写诗来保持稳定的心理状态,助其在重要比赛中冷静判断、沉着应对不同局面。日前,导演 Todd Martin 就把 Arian Foster 的《Where We Dwell》诗篇以短片形式演绎出来,通过一幕幕年轻运动员刻苦训练以追求成功的励志画面诠释诗篇主题。影片最后,片头的跑者休息片刻后,远眺前方,继续著自己的慢慢长路,寓意著如果半途而废,就永远不可能到达「成功所存在的地方」(where glory dwell)。感兴趣的朋友不妨在欣赏完短片之后,细细斟酌、体会诗篇字里行间中所蕴含的积极信念。
“Where We Dwell”
by Arian Foster
When minds are at war with hearts,
And light is at war with dark,
This is where glory dwells,
Where warriors whisper hymns,
Of blood lost in vain,
Where time twists and bends,
And echoes all our names,
Here is where those diamonds dwell,
Polished in dust.
From swamps to stars, we dreamed far,
They called it far-fetched, we called it ours.
We called them lessons, they called them scars,
They call it blessings, this work was hard,
That is where we dwell.
The past worn as capes, memory as armor,
The karma we bring,
Sings truth to the soul,
Like kings mingling with pawns, or soup in my bowl.
We came from golden slums, and makeshift drums,
But our music made the spaceships come,
Navigate our thoughts and sever our tongues, unbound by men,
Forever we run…