1 of 13 2 of 13 3 of 13 4 of 13 5 of 13 Star Wars: The Force Awakens L to R: Director J.J. Abrams w/ actress Daisy Ridley (Rey) on Star Wars: The Force Awakens L to R: Director J.J. Abrams w/ actress Daisy Ridley (Rey) on set. Ph: David James ©Lucasfilm 2015 6 of 13 Star Wars: The Force Awakens L to R: Director/Producer/Screenwriter J.J. Abrams and Screenwriter Star Wars: The Force Awakens L to R: Director/Producer/Screenwriter J.J. Abrams and Screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan on set. Ph: David James ©Lucasfilm 2015 7 of 13 Star Wars: The Force Awakens L to R: Director/Producer/Screenwriter J.J. Abrams and Producer Star Wars: The Force Awakens L to R: Director/Producer/Screenwriter J.J. Abrams and Producer Kathleen Kennedy Ph: David James ©Lucasfilm 2015 8 of 13 9 of 13 10 of 13 11 of 13 12 of 13 Star Wars: The Force Awakens L to R: Director J.J. Abrams on set w/ John Boyega (Finn). Ph: Star Wars: The Force Awakens L to R: Director J.J. Abrams on set w/ John Boyega (Finn). Ph: David James ©Lucasfilm 2015 13 of 13 Star Wars: The Force Awakens X-Wing Starfighters Ph: Film Frame ©Lucasfilm 2015 Star Wars: The Force Awakens X-Wing Starfighters Ph: Film Frame ©Lucasfilm 2015 Entertainment 娱乐 Nov 10, 2015 经过新《星战》一系列花边新闻洗礼后,关于《原力觉醒》电影进一步消息终于到来,最近,WIRED 更找来了导演 JJ Abrams 作深入的访谈,同时释出高清的 Behind-the-Scenes 照片,大家可以看到片中多个实景拍摄情况和 JJ Abrams 在场指导,让一众星战迷望梅止渴,有兴趣的朋友不放点击这里了解更多。 阅读全文