从《I Have an Idea》展览了解 Starchitect Frank Gehry

「So you get an idea. A stupid idea but you like it.」

Design 设计

Frank Gehry 设计的建筑就如雕塑一样富艺术性,其梦幻般的作品,在建筑界一直备受争议。无论是美国洛杉矶 Walt Disney Concert Hall、毕尔包 Guggenheim Museum 到最近落成于巴黎的 Louis Vuitton Foundation,全部都极其复杂,建筑需要大量时间,但从中能够看出 Frank Gehry 把云朵、帆船及折纸般的概念实现在作品上。今次由 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT 及 THE MIYAKE ISSEY FOUNDATION 举办的《I Have an Idea》展览,就带出了 Frank Gehry 的想像力之外,同样重视实践,过程中面对的困难与克服办法等。展览包括他的主要作品介绍、启发创作的居所、构思过程的草图及模型、设计带来的新技术及 Frank Gehry 的一些小收藏。今次先带来 Frank Gehry 的 Manifesto ,非常值得创意工作者深究:

So you get an idea. A stupid idea but you like it. So you look at it till you don’t like it. So then you make another model as another way of looking at the first stupid idea; and you like it but only for a little while. So then you hate some of it so you make another model to fix it but it looks different but you like it so you look at it until you start to not like it then. You try to fix it and a new idea comes out which you like better and then you don’t like it so much but still a little. So guess what you do? Yes you make another model. So this goes on and on and on till you got so many models it costs a fortune to store them. But you go on anyway. More and more till voila the piece de resistance. It’s glorious, it’s cheap, it looks different. So nobody likes it.

You’d cry, you’d nearly die. Then the lord sends a messenger. He hypnotizes all the people so they all like the idea. They want to steal the idea, they want to steal the models. They want a piece of your mind and soul. But you’re strong and don’t give it.
You just want to make a new idea. You want to be alone to make new models – so expensive to store, and you keep going until you’re broke from storing the models.
That’s a major histoire. It’s legendary and it’s true.

The sequel is people get jealous. That’s good if it makes them work hard to be better. Most of the time they work harder to destroy. This part’s difficult.

Frank Gehry

日期 : October 16, 2015 – February 7, 2016
闭馆日期 : Tuesdays (November 3 除外), December 27 – January 3
时间 : 10:00-19:00 (入场截至 18:30)
入场费 : 一般票 ¥1,100 / 大学生票 ¥800 / 高校生票 ¥500 / 高校以下免费入场
地点 :日本东京六本木的美术馆「21_21 Design Sight」



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