Jean Touitou 以「Last Ni**as in Paris」命名 A.P.C. 2015 秋冬系列

法国时尚品牌 A.P.C. 创始人 Jean Touitou,最近顶著舆论的风波将品牌 2015 秋冬系列命名为「Last Ni**as in Paris」。众所周知,这是 Kanye West 与

Fashion 时装

法国时尚品牌 A.P.C. 创始人 Jean Touitou,最近顶著舆论的风波将品牌 2015 秋冬系列命名为「Last Ni**as in Paris」。众所周知,这是 Kanye West 与 Jay Z 的一首热门单曲的名字,并且灵感来自于 1972 年的一部意大利浪漫电影《Last Tango in Paris》,至于品牌与 Timberland 最新合作的靴子和裤款,象征了前者所代表的 Hip-Hop 文化,而 A.P.C. 经典裸色夹克的设计则与电影主角的标志性著装不谋而合。对此 Jean Touitou 表示:

I call this one look Last N****s in Paris. Why? Because it’s the sweet spot when the hood meets Bertolucci’s movie Last Tango in Paris. So that’s ‘N****s in Paris’ and Last N****s in Paris. [Nervous laughter from audience.] Oh, I am glad some people laughed with me. Yes, I mean, it’s nice to play with the strong signifiers. The Timberland here is a very strong ghetto signifier. In the ghetto, it is all the Timberlands, all the big chain. Not at the same time—never; it’s bad taste. So we designed Timberlands with Timberland.

之后接受 的采访时,Jean Touitou 提到这一决定也得到了好友 Kanye West 的支持:

I am friends with Kanye, and he and I presented a joint collection at the same place, one year ago, and that this thing is only a homage to our friendship. As a matter of fact, when I came up with this idea, I wrote to him, with the picture of the look and the name I was giving to it, and he wrote back immediately saying something like, ‘I love this vibe.’

完整 A.P.C. 2015 秋冬系列不妨点击这里查看,也欢迎在评论处留下你的看法。



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