FKA Twigs 担纲《V Magazine》最新一期封面人物

一向以性感大胆而著称的时尚杂志《V Magazine》,此番又公布了第 #93 期的封面人物,其中一位便是乐坛新晋女歌手 FKA Twigs。最新一期杂志取名为「The Music

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一向以性感大胆而著称的时尚杂志《V Magazine》,此番又公布了第 #93 期的封面人物,其中一位便是乐坛新晋女歌手 FKA Twigs。最新一期杂志取名为「The Music Issue」,因此编辑团队围绕著音乐与时尚之间的关联,与 FKA Twigs, Tinashe, Jessie Ware 和 Sam Smith 等一众歌手展开深入探讨。而封面也请来著名摄影师双人组 Inez & Vinoodh 掌镜拍摄,记录下了 FKA Twigs 赤身裸体的极致诱惑。据悉这本杂志将于近期登陆《V Magazine》线上店铺和报刊亭,尽请期待。

下面便带来 FKA Twigs 个人专访的节选内容,完整内容不妨点击这里查看,其个人最新专辑《LP1》目前也可经由 iTunes下载。

You were in a choir when you were young. Did that factor into your music?
I went to St. Edward’s, in Gloucestershire, and I was in choirs. When it was cold and raining, we’d go to rehearsal and learn about harmonies and dynamics. I’ve never been into the typical R&B voice, with runs and bluesy sounding words. That doesn’t suit me. As a ballet dancer, I grew up with classical music. I’m not a classical musician, but I like the way the music pays attention to dynamics.

What you gravitate toward has little to do with mainstream R&B, or whatever alternative R&B is.
If I say “alternative red” to you, it’s not red, is it? “Alternative R&B” is patronizing to R&B. R&B is R&B—it doesn’t need an alternative. There are plenty of artists now experimenting with electronic music, manipulating sounds. We can make a train into a synth. We can make drips into hi-hats. I can record sounds on my phone and make a song out of a city. I don’t know what that has to do with R&B.

In some of your songs, it’s not apparent where the downbeat is.
A famous artist said something to me about dancing. When you look at people dancing, it looks like some of them have no rhythm. But how can that be? When people dance around the beat, they might have a higher understanding of rhythm, the way dogs hear sounds that we can’t.



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