《Breaks Magazine》专访 10.Deep 设计师 Scott Sasso - 谈论品牌发展、街头文化现状以及 Animal Bikes 合作企划

也许很多人没有意识到来自纽约城的街头服饰品牌 10.Deep 创建至今已经走过了 20 个年头,相比同样诞生于 1994 年的 Supreme,10.Deep 的发展路程可谓「低调

Fashion 时装

也许很多人没有意识到来自纽约城的街头服饰品牌 10.Deep 创建至今已经走过了 20 个年头,相比同样诞生于 1994 年的 Supreme,10.Deep 的发展路程可谓「低调 」许多。在街头文化愈发商业化、主流化的当下,10. Deep 仍保持本源,存留著街头文化 DNA 中的那片净土。而近日,《Breaks Magazine》就专访了品牌掌坨人 Scott Sasso,与其谈论了 10.Deep 的前世今生。而至今仍作为 10.Deep 服饰主设计师,Sasso 还针对街头服饰文化现状、与 Animal Bikes 的合作企划、 10.Deep 纽约旗舰店等话题娓娓而谈。感兴趣的朋友不妨点击此处完整阅读专访内容。

How did 10Deep start, and what was the brand like back then?

Much like most of the earlier roots of ‘street wear’ it was honestly done without any sense of business consciousness. I woke up one morning, thinking that I wanted to start a t-shirt brand like many of the guys graduating from graffiti before me were doing, so I wrote down a bunch of names on a piece of paper, taped it onto the wall of my college dorm, and eliminated the ones that I liked least over the next few days.

10Deep was the name I liked best. I just wanted to make a couple of t-shirts really as something cool to do and as an extension of my interests in graffiti, zines, etc.

Where does the brand stand, and have you ever had to ‘reinvent’ yourself? As when you started, 20 years ago, ‘streetwear’ didn’t exist like it does today.

The brand has always been true to its core so there hasn’t been a need for reinvention. We’ve always been based not in what we think we ‘should’ do but from the collective of interests and tastes of our small and eclectic crew of friends. That said, sometimes we find it necessary to re-remind the street wear public (who often like to assign their own assumptions and values to brands) who we are.

Out of all the collaborations you’ve done, the Animal Bikes one was the one that spoke to me most – how did that come about, and why Animal?

They approached us, we were cool with Hoder who I think was riding for them, and we were able to do what we wanted. Friend’s, and shared social circles make sense for collaborations, especially on products that we don’t make.

Where does 10.Deep fit with ‘Streetwear’ today, especially the latest wave of trapped out trill shit.

Things come and go. We stick to the essence of where we come from – the 90s NY indie brand scene. Much of what is called street wear today doesn’t necessarily fall into stuff that we would call streetwear.



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