
由人气时尚品牌 KENZO与亲密合作伙伴 TOILETPAPER 共同打造的《KENZINE》杂志,日前正式公布了第三期内容。这本杂志由 KENZO 创意总监 Carol Lim 和

Art 艺术

由人气时尚品牌 KENZO与亲密合作伙伴 TOILETPAPER 共同打造的《KENZINE》杂志,日前正式公布了第三期内容。这本杂志由 KENZO 创意总监 Carol Lim Humberto Leon,以及 TOILETPAPER 编辑团队的 Maurizio Cattelan, Pierpaolo Ferrari 和 Micol Talso 共同参与创作,旨在将双方独特的时尚嗅觉与创意思维相结合,为读者带来前卫的时尚与文化资讯,也将品牌文化更好地传递给时尚爱好者们。最新一期杂志中重点展示了 KENZO 2014 秋冬系列新品,并从 David Lynch 等人的作品汲取灵感,创造了一系列惹眼的形象大片。对此 Lim 和 Leon 表示:

For the third installment in our collaboration with TOILETPAPER for our advertising campaigns, we worked with Maurizio, Micol and Pierpaolo to take people on a mysterious journey to an unfamiliar world. A place where the ordinary is slightly distorted, mirrors lead to other dimensions, and the strange and beautiful coexist in singular harmony. We love that David Lynch’s skewed and somewhat disruptive sense of storytelling seamlessly fits with how TOILETPAPER approach image-making and the final results speak for themselves. Needless to say we’re delighted with the outcome and hope everyone else enjoys the images as much as we do.

这本杂志将于 9 月 27 日起,在 KENZO 全球门店内独占发售,感兴趣的朋友不妨多加留意。



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