Apple 鼠标设计师 Jim Yurchenco 谈论工作生涯

Apple 的鼠标尽管看上去简单,但背后的创作过程是需要经过多少次的尝试于失败才最终演变出来,然而这一切均离不开工程师先驱 Jim Yurchenco 的功劳。然而该为最新正式宣布退休并拥有 80

Tech & Gadgets 科技

Apple 的鼠标尽管看上去简单,但背后的创作过程是需要经过多少次的尝试于失败才最终演变出来,然而这一切均离不开工程师先驱 Jim Yurchenco 的功劳。然而该为最新正式宣布退休并拥有 80 多项专利的工程师接受了WIRED》杂志的访问,想读者们分享了他难忘的人生历程。欣赏以上影片的同时也可以通过以下或前往这里查看完整的访问。

Building the Apple Mouse

Yurchenco was just a year or two out of school when he got a call from an old Stanford pal, David Kelley. Kelley had just started a new design firm and asked if Yurchenco might want to join as an engineer. That meant a proper salary—Yurchenco had been working at a medical tech start-up, being paid mostly in stock—so he agreed. The company was called Hovey-Kelley; Ideo was still a few years off at that point. But thanks to co-founder Dean Hovey’s relationship with Jobs, Apple became one of the young company’s first clients.

Becoming a Master of Making

The design process for the Apple mouse embodied a few things that continue to define Ideo. For one, it was very much a hands-on affair. “We were always making stuff,” Yurchenco remembers. “Prototyping as fast, as dirty, as rapidly as possible.” Ideo predates CAD, 3-D printing, and CNC, at least insofar as any of those technologies were cheap enough for a fledgling design studio to afford.

Yurchenco worked primarily with pencil and paper, and for years his most sophisticated tool was an HP calculator. Today’s powerful workflows, which let you build a fully-realized product in a piece of software and then command machines to materialize it in the same room, simply didn’t exist back then. You just had to build stuff yourself, piece by piece.

The Secret: Keep Asking the Same Questions

Yurchenco has had a ground-level view of the design industry from the start of the personal computer revolution. So what’s changed?

For one, he says, concerns like usability have become a major part of the design process from the beginning. That involves questions like: How do people react to a product? And how might they abuse it? What will they do wrong, and how can the product help prevent them from doing that? “If our design is allowing them to do something wrong, it’s not their fault. It’s our fault,” he says.



Dior 前任男裝首席鞋履設計師 Thibo Denis 加入 Louis Vuitton
Footwear 球鞋

Dior 前任男装首席鞋履设计师 Thibo Denis 加入 Louis Vuitton

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Fashion 时装

比利时设计师 Glenn Martens 成为 Maison Margiela 新任创作总监

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Design 设计

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Automotive 汽车

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W124、W126、W140、W201 等经典车款皆出自其手,这些永恒设计将永远留存在车迷心中。

《Obscura》Vol 16: 2014 夏季刊
Lifestyle 生活 Culture 文化

《Obscura》Vol 16: 2014 夏季刊

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Fashion 时装

C / C H R I ST x Fear of God 联名棒球夹克

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HTC Butterfly 2 智能手機
Lifestyle 生活

HTC Butterfly 2 智能手机

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adidas Predator Revenge Instinct 94 足球鞋

为庆祝经典足球鞋系列 Predator 诞生 20 周年,著名运动品牌 adidas 已经推出了多款纪念球鞋,此番便重新复刻了这款诞生于 1994 年的 Revenge Instinct

Nike SB「Halftime」宣傳影片
Lifestyle 生活 Sports 运动

Nike SB「Halftime」宣传影片

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