Stevie Williams 谈论其最新签名鞋款 SUPRA Esteban

在现今的时尚中,滑板运动确实是一个不可缺少的环节,挂钩的系列产品更是多不胜数。传奇滑手 Stevie Williams 除了专注于自己开设的 Asphalt Yacht Club,知名鞋履品牌

Fashion 时装

在现今的时尚中,滑板运动确实是一个不可缺少的环节,挂钩的系列产品更是多不胜数。传奇滑手 Stevie Williams 除了专注于自己开设的 Asphalt Yacht Club,知名鞋履品牌 SUPRA 最近为该位传奇推出了一款全新的签名鞋款 Esteban。该款走篮球鞋轮廓路线的滑板签名鞋同样采用一贯的高筒设计,简约的线条纹路为鞋身勾画出街头的气息,再配合上独特的鞋带设计令鞋款增添一份独特的个性。而 Stevie Williams 也对该鞋款的设计进行了一系列的探讨,感兴趣的朋友现可通过以下的内容或 Sneaker News 留意更多。

You grew up in the eighties and nineties when sneaker culture was first becoming big – how into sneakers were you growing up?

Being from the inner city, wearing the right sneakers was always important. Of course, it still is. For me growing up, it always came down to money. I didn’t really get into sneakers until I could afford them. That was early 2000. Always been into footwear though.

How did the opportunity to work with SUPRA come about? Can you tell us more about the partnership?

First and foremost, SUPRA is a skate brand, but it’s also a lifestyle brand. Our partnership brings both those together. I skate for SUPRA, but also think my lifestyle works well with what they have going on. We compliment each other.

What attracts you to the SUPRA brand? And what was it like designing a lifestyle shoe with them?

What first attracted me to SUPRA was the originality and quality. SUPRA is always doing what you least expect. They’re fearless. Always trying to shake it up. Out there with new things. I’ve always been a fan of the skate team too. When I had a opportunity to partner with SUPRA, I didn’t pass it up. They know what they’re doing. Definitely think as far as skate, this is one of the best shoe teams ever created.



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