Jonathan Ive 谈论 Apple 产品设计的过程及理念

随著 Steve Jobs 三年前令人痛心的离开后,Apple 公司这一接力棒便落到了 Tim Cook 和 Jonathan Ive 二人的手中。面对著各种的眼光及猜疑,两位带领人除了要把

Fashion 时装

随著 Steve Jobs 三年前令人痛心的离开后,Apple 公司这一接力棒便落到了 Tim Cook 和 Jonathan Ive 二人的手中。面对著各种的眼光及猜疑,两位带领人除了要把 Steve Jobs 一直提倡的创新理念传承下去外,更需要寻找新的方向路线以便打造出更好的产品。而近日《纽约时报》便对 Apple 的总设计师 Jonathan Ive 进行了一次采访,谈论到品牌设计的进程,工作文化以及领悟出来的哲理等话题,更多的内容可通过下方的内容及这里浏览完整访问。

What does innovation culture look like at Apple under Tim Cook? How has it changed, if at all?

Innovation at Apple has always been a team game. It has always been a case where you have a number of small groups working together. The industrial design team is a very small team. We’ve worked together, most for 15 or 20 years.

That’s a fairly typical story here: Creative teams are small and very focused. One of the underlying characteristics is being inquisitive and being curious. Some of those personal attributes and hallmarks haven’t changed at all.

Often when I talk about what I do, making isn’t just this inevitable function tacked on at the end. The way we make our products is certainly equally as demanding and requires so much definition. I design and make. I can’t separate those two.

This is part of Steve’s legacy. Deep in the culture of Apple is this sense and understanding of design, developing and making. Form and the material and process – they are beautifully intertwined – completely connected. Unless we understand a certain material — metal or resin and plastic — understanding the processes that turn it from ore, for example – we can never develop and define form that’s appropriate.

Steve established a set of values, and he established preoccupations and tones that are completely enduring – and he established those principles with a small team of people. I’ve been ridiculously lucky to be part of it. But Tim was very much part of that team – for that last 15 or 20 years.

I remember clearly a time when we made plastic portable computers, and Steve and Tim and I sat down and said we wanted to build an incredibly thin and light portable computer. There was a whole range of challenges from an engineering point of view: How it worked in a new material, titanium. That meant we had to completely redesign and discover new partners to work with, hire a whole new organization.

I’ve worked for the last 15 or 20 years on the most challenging, creative parts of what we do. I would love to talk about future stuff – they’re materials we haven’t worked in before. I’ve been working on this stuff for a few years now. Tim is fundamentally involved in pushing into these new areas and into these materials.

Over years you develop a process – we, a team, develop a process – that process is incredibly vibrant and healthy and continues to grow and evolve.



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