HYPETRAK 专访法国歌手 Woodkid - 谈论艺术和创作灵感

身兼歌手、导演和平面设计师等多重身份的法国艺术家 Woodkid,在这几年的发展可谓顺风顺水,不仅发行了一张评价很高的专辑《THE GOLDEN AGE》,还参与了 Pharrell

Music 音乐

身兼歌手、导演和平面设计师等多重身份的法国艺术家 Woodkid,在这几年的发展可谓顺风顺水,不仅发行了一张评价很高的专辑《THE GOLDEN AGE》,还参与了 Pharrell 冠军单曲《Happy》的 MV 策划,并还为这首歌制作了一首名叫《Sad》的混音版本,全方位的展示了自己的艺术才华。日前 Wookid 也来到香港参加第二届 Art Basel 艺术展的庆祝活动,而 HYPETRAK 也借此机会对这位才子进行了独家访谈,深入探讨了他对于艺术创作的看法和灵感。下面是我们节选的精彩内容,完整访谈不妨查看 HYPETRAK 官方网站

Tell us about your experience working with Pharrell as the Creative Director for his “Happy” music video, how did you approach the video and its creation process.

I creative directed the video with these guys called We Are From LA, who are a group of French Directors. I basically thought up the concept with them and I approached Pharrell and talked to him about creative directing some of his videos. We developed the idea with the We Are From LA guys and they built it and they shot it within the next two months or so — the shoot itself took 10 days.

Seeing as you weren’t expecting such a big response, what are your thoughts on how it’s been received so far?

We were really not expecting that it turn out to be that big and have such response on a global scale. I think it’s great, Pharrell is a good guy. And you know, when you do something that’s visual it’s always a good thing and more impactful. So yes, it’s very exciting.

You also creative directed his show at Coachella this year, can you tell us a bit about that?

Yeah. The creative direction for this meant taking on everything from the lights and the sonography to the projections and supporting visuals – the set up and movements on stage. Pretty much the whole visual aspect of the show I had to manage, and it was a very tricky because we only had three weeks to do it. It was definitely a bit of a challenge, especially considering all the guests that were coming on stage, it was a very unique set up.



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