Rick Ross 访谈栏目「Ask A Boss With Rick Ross」

人称 Boss 的知名说唱歌手 Rick Ross 最近与著名音乐杂志《Rolling Stone》合作推出最新的一个访谈栏目「Ask A Boss With Rick

Music 音乐

人称 Boss 的知名说唱歌手 Rick Ross 最近与著名音乐杂志《Rolling Stone》合作推出最新的一个访谈栏目「Ask A Boss With Rick Ross」。在该栏目中,MGM 歌手将会解答各种来自网友有关生活,工作,校园以及约会等问题。在最新一期中主要围绕 Rick Ross 对于他认为称不上巨星的歌手的一些看法,现可以浏览以下的部分访谈内容,若你对 Rick Ross 也有问题,可以将问题发送至 askaboss@rollingstone.com。

I have a friend – I’ll call him Chris. Everybody thinks Chris is a total boss. He always gets the hottest girls, drives the nicest car and drinks the finest alcohol (Ciroc, obviously). But I know Chris better than most people, and I know that car is really his dad’s, he only has money to spend because he lives at home rent-free, and he usually makes me go halves on the Ciroc anyway. My question is this: What defines a boss? Is it just about appearances. Or is there something deeper that makes someone a boss? - Vincent, Boston
Being a boss is much deeper than that. It can be the brokest dude in the beat-up car who’s the real boss. It’s not about money or status. It’s about heart. Right now I’m wearing a gold Rolex that Drake gave me two Christmases ago. It’s my second time wearing it. But even when I wasn’t in the position I’m in today, I always had my ambitions, and I always took responsibility. That’s who the boss is.

I’m a big guy, and people always tell me that women don’t like big men, or that being big won’t get you laid. I think this is false. Tell me honestly, one big dude to another – did you ever have trouble picking up women before you were famous? - DeSainte, Detroit

Most definitely, I ran into some stumbles. Being a big guy, you face certain challenges. Over time, though, women found excuses to find me attractive. Just keep pumping your fuckin’ fists in the air. They’ll find reasons to fuck with you. Take it from me.



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