Kanye West 在纪录片中谈及 J Dilla 对于音乐创作的影响

随著 Stones Throw Records 唱片公司打造的纪录片《Our Vinyl Weighs a Ton》的 DVD/Blu-ray 于本周发售后,美国著名音乐杂志《Rolling

Music 音乐

随著 Stones Throw Records 唱片公司打造的纪录片《Our Vinyl Weighs a Ton》的 DVD/Blu-ray 于本周发售后,美国著名音乐杂志《Rolling Stone》日前便为电影公布了一段长达半小时的花絮片段。到 24 分钟的时候,Kanye West 也会现身谈及到知名音乐制作人 J Dilla 对其音乐制作的影响。

“It’s amazing: How could we lose Biggie, Pac, Dilla, Steve Jobs, Michael Jackson? It almost feels like the devil’s winning. We gotta make music and we think, ‘If Dilla was alive, would he like this?’ I have to work on behalf of Dilla. When I put a weird-ass Jamaican sample, it works at first but it’s not until I put the [makes discordant musical noise] that it sounds like art or sounds slightly wrong. And now it’ll go to the radio now that it’s wrong, motherfucker. Now play this. Play this five-minute song that completely fucks up your programming. Play this. It’s best respect that we can pay to great artists that have inspired us so much is to never fuckin’…never sell out.”

当中 Kanye West 还提及到与 Madlib 的合作,同时也会有 Tyler the Creator 的访谈,详细内容请欣赏以上影片。



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