Jaime xx 全新单曲《Sleep Sound》MV
格莱美获得者,音乐制作人 Jamie xx 继上月发布了新曲《Sleep Sound》之后,现在正式发布了伴随该曲的 MV。在这则视频里,来自伦敦的艺术家,诗人 Sofia Mattioli
格莱美获得者,音乐制作人 Jamie xx 继上月发布了新曲《Sleep Sound》之后,现在正式发布了伴随该曲的 MV。在这则视频里,来自伦敦的艺术家,诗人 Sofia Mattioli 分享了曼切斯特聋哑中心的人他们倾听音乐的体验,观众可以由此体会到寂静与音乐之间的关系。Mattioli 是这样描述这则短片的:
“I was on a train listening to music, getting deep into it, and this girl started staring at me. After a while I took my headphones off and she came up to me, started signing, and then wrote me a note to say that she was deaf but could almost feel the music by my movement. The relationship between silence and music is a big part of what I am trying to express with my work. The first kid in the video, Archie, was bliss — all of them were amazing. I hope this is a project I can develop further.”
Jamie xx 全新个人专辑《Girl/Sleep Sound》将于 5 月 5 号正式上市发行。