巴西传奇球星 Ronaldo 接受《Sneaker Freaker》专访谈论足球生涯

巴西的传奇球星 Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima 曾经为巴西国家队取得了两次的世界杯冠军,同时带著 3个金球奖的荣誉在 2011

Lifestyle 生活

巴西的传奇球星 Ronaldo Luís Nazário de Lima 曾经为巴西国家队取得了两次的世界杯冠军,同时带著 3个金球奖的荣誉在 2011 年正式宣布退役。随著今年的巴西世界杯临近之际和 Nike 最近新推出的 Nike F.C. 企划,Ronaldo 的曝光率也日渐增多,而最近该位前巴西国脚也接受了知名球鞋杂志《Sneaker Freaker》一次采访,当中分享了他在世界杯中的难忘经历,个人的期望等话题,想了解更多请留意以下的内容,同时也可以到这里查阅整个完整的报道。

You achieved so much in the game but was there a moment as a footballer when you thought, “Yeah I’m good at this, I’m going to be one of the best in the world”?

I started playing football when I was a very young child and fell in love with it immediately. From that young age, it was clear that among my friends I was the best. I was always picked first when we chose teams so that told me that I could play the game well. I went onto play for my country aged just 16, and that was a dream come true and underlined how far I might go in the game. I was always so ambitious as a young footballer and that helped put in the hard work that had to be done to achieve my goals.

You were taken to America for the World Cup in 1994 aged only 17. How fearless were you being part of that amazing summer?

I was very afraid that summer but there could be no better way to learn. I always say that the summer of 1994 was my university, the time I learnt the most about football. There I was with some of the greatest players on the planet, training with them and watching them take on the world. To be amongst that at such a young age was an incredible opportunity and one that helped shape my own career. Some people wondered if I would play and whilst I was ready to do that, it wasn’t to be and so I just took everything in. It was an amazing chapter in my life. Nike gave me my first contract that summer and I began to realise my dreams.



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