Riccardo Tisci 谈及 Nike + R.T. Air Force 1 联名系列

就在 Nike 宣布将与人气品牌 Givenchy 的创意总监 Riccardo Tisci 展开合作之后,随即便引起了一阵热议,之后《VOGUE》杂志也抢先披露了一款名为 Air Force 1

Fashion 时装

就在 Nike 宣布将与人气品牌 Givenchy 的创意总监 Riccardo Tisci 展开合作之后,随即便引起了一阵热议,之后《VOGUE》杂志也抢先披露了一款名为 Air Force 1 Hi Boots 的联名版本,更是将大众的期待值推向顶点。设计师本人作为 Nike 的忠实粉丝,曾经穿著经典的 Air Force 1 长达 16 年之久,并且拥有大约 125 双不同的配色,因此本次合作也达成了他的心愿。从过往的预览图可以看到,该系列一共包含了四款鞋型,分别是低帮和中帮版本的普通款 Air Force 1,此外还有一款高帮和半膝的创新版本,为经典注入新的生命。日前《Complex》杂志便请来 Riccardo Tisci,深入探讨了该系列设计背后的故事,下面便是这次专访的节选内容,完整内容不妨查看这里。至于发售信息,白色版本将于 3 月 21 日登录 Nike Sportswear 指定零售商,而黑色版本则将之后几周内发售,定价从 $230 到 $340 美元不等。

What is it like to have a huge name like Nike asking you to create your own version of an iconic sneaker?

It’s an amazing experience. It’s something that, in life, when you become successful at the job I am doing, you get a lot of people that ask you to do projects because of your name, especially in fashion. I think a lot of times, I didn’t want to mix myself with that. A year and half ago they approached me about this project, and it was a very emotional moment because Nike as a company is one of the biggest companies in the world.

This is for the kids, the ones who love Nike, and the ones who love my style.

Being a European person, what you dream of when you think of America is all of these iconic things—the flag, which I am obsessed with, and collect personally. You have Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Nike, many things for you that are quite normal. But for an outsider, these things are so beautiful, strong, and powerful.

The call from Nike was amazing for two reasons. The company is very pure, and everything they have done in their 41 years of operation, which is almost my exact age, I’ve always remembered as a child, because back then I was a basketball player.

They’ve never done any collaboration that was wrong, or didn’t make sense to the company’s codes, never done anything too much, the history is one that respects its roots.

The second point is that I have been obsessed with Nike. I’ve been wearing Air Force 1s for 15 years. It’s always been the same. The white ones. When people take a picture of me I almost always have on the same thing. A black T-shirt, black trousers, and white Nike shoes. This collaboration is something that to me, is not work, it’s more of a celebration of life, a celebration of something that I love, respect, and believe in.

The respect part was one of the most important things for me when doing this project, because these shoes are so iconic. Any big brand or any big house have their successful products or items that represent them. The fact that they approached me to reinterpret these shoes made me very proud. Regardless of me doing menswear, womenswear, and couture, I’ve been lucky to have 100 percent freedom to express myself and for me this was a “Wow” project because Nike gave me an iconic shoe, and basically gave me a white sheet of paper to do what I want.



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