The HUNDREDS 专访 MADE Kids 创始人- 谈论儿童时尚产业发展

作为第一个完全致力于儿童服装设计的街头时尚品牌,MADE Kids 自 2013 年底成立以来受到了业界的极高关注度,其目前为止所推出的两个系列在市场上都引起了极大反响。作为品牌创始人的

Fashion 时装

作为第一个完全致力于儿童服装设计的街头时尚品牌,MADE Kids 自 2013 年底成立以来受到了业界的极高关注度,其目前为止所推出的两个系列在市场上都引起了极大反响。作为品牌创始人的 Andrew Guzman、Pedro Tuma 和 Louie Esquibel,称 MADE Kids 为「儿童时尚产业的 Rap 音乐」(the rap music of children’s fashion),意在表明品牌是此领域的先锋者和开拓者,无疑会引领一股街头童装的新潮流;并证明融合街头艺术美学与高端时尚的服饰不只是青少年和成年人的专利,儿童也可以完美驾驭。近日,The Hundreds 专访了 MADE Kids 三位创始人,与其谈论起成立 MADE Kids 的时间意义以及品牌的未来发展。有兴趣的朋友可以点击此处浏览完整采访内容。

Is there a reason why you guys only go up to a size 10, rather than all the way through a 16?
Pedro Tuma: We feel like when kids get to a certain age, when they’re about in middle school, they want to be in high school. They want to be wearing the older kids’ clothes because they can kind of fit into them. What we’re doing is for the parents who want their kids to look dope [before they get to that age].

Can you talk a bit about timing in fashion?
Pedro Tuma: A lot of things in life are about timing; coming out at the right time. And I think for some reason, right now it’s the right time for kids. And the reason I say that – it’s weird – the emails that we get, the response that we’ve been getting, the collaborations that we’re working on. Everyone wants a piece of this right now and it wasn’t like this when we first started. It’s been probably this year where it’s like, “Okay, it’s being accepted by a lot more people.”

What’s something that’s overlooked when it comes to MADE Kids?
Andrew Guzman: Honestly, I think it’s the attention to detail that we put into everything. We really care, we get the fact that in the kids’ market there are nuances that we don’t have with an adult market. Like for kids you have to have – the print has to be certain quality because the kids will get sick by it. The standard stuff we’ve covered. But the attention to detail that we go into to making sure that the thing fits right. Making sure that everything we put out is merchandised the right way. The thought we put behind everything is extensive.



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