Chris Moukarbel 接受 Complex 访问谈及纪录片《Banksy Does New York》

随著纪录片《Banksy Does New York》于日前正式上映后,美国潮流文化网站《Complex》近日便邀请到纪录片的导演 Chris

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随著纪录片《Banksy Does New York》于日前正式上映后,美国潮流文化网站《Complex》近日便邀请到纪录片的导演 Chris Moukarbel 来分享谈及一下他的想法。对于该部纪录了英国街头艺术家 Banksy 来袭纽约市,并足足维持了一个月时间的「Banksy Does New York」涂鸦企划的纪录片,Moukarbel 向《Complex》分享了电影中的相关内容,其中包括市民的采访,记录的影片以及影像等;同时也解释了他参与此番纪录片拍摄的原因以及得益等。留意以下部份内容的同时,也可前往 Complex 查阅完整的访问。

What is your approach with documentaries in general? It seems like Banksy Does New York has parallels with your film Me at the Zoo.

I’m really interested in cinema and social media. I think a lot of us are making documentaries every day, in a sense. So to me, it seems like a great way to tell a story—not just of the real world but also of this big digital space that we occupy. It feels like an accurate way to tell a story because so much of our lives are playing out in these two spaces. For me to be able to sift between these two parallel universes as a filmmaker is exciting and also feels like the most accurate way to tell a story.

What have you learned about him through your interactions?

Oh my god, absolutely nothing [laughs]. I don’t know anything more about him than I did when we started this, which may be a testament to his ability to stay anonymous. I really can’t say I have any more insight into the man than I did a year ago.

He reached out to you guys?

We started making the film from the perspective of his work, and it was less important to us whether or not he was involved because it is not really about him. I think there was some concern about it being some kind of exposé, and I think when he realized it was not that kind of movie, he was a little more relaxed in terms of providing us some context for what happened.



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