HYPETRAK 专访 Beyoncé 御用创意总监 Todd Tourso


Music 音乐

音乐巨星闪耀的熠熠星光往往不是一人所为,打造一个天皇或天后就犹如拍摄一部电影巨制,每一个细节都需要精雕细刻。作为国际乐坛当之无愧的天后级人物,Beyoncé 凭藉与生俱来的歌唱天赋、独领风骚的出众舞步、以及融合 Hip-Hop 文化与高端时尚美学的穿衣风格,已成为时尚的代名词和「乐坛现象」。从 Destiny Child 时期到推出第一张个人专辑、同时也被誉为是见证与 Jay-Z 爱情萌芽的《Dangerously in Love》,再至同名「视觉专辑」《Beyoncé》在无任何前期宣传的情况下发布,见证与 HOV 的爱情结晶,Queen B 似乎在用艺术、音乐的方式纪录著自己事业、生活的一路走来。无论是从专辑的视觉呈现来讲,还是从其故事性来论,Bey 的每项音乐企划都是那么独树一帜;此外,Beyoncé 的每场演唱会都不失为最重磅的现场视听盛宴,从 I Am… World 到 Mrs Carter 世界巡演,再至刚刚落下帷幕的 On the Run Tour,其现场演出重新定义了 21 世纪新舞台技术和建筑舞台美术,尤其是 2013 全球巡演中所运用的舞台动态图形互动设计与制作,将舞台移动型 LED 屏幕、灯光和舞者进行立体互动融合,更是营造出萤幕特效无处不在的魔幻体验;与此同时,由 Riccardo Tisci、Peter Dundas、Tamara Ralph、Donatella Versace 等多位传奇时尚设计师为其量身打造的表演服,与 Beyoncé 珠联璧合,伴随炫目的舞台视觉设计、音乐、舞蹈,尽情闪耀。然而,作为 Beyoncé 的御用创意总监,Todd Tourso 是成就这一切华丽、惊艳的关键性人物,正是他天马行空的大胆创意和机具前瞻性的视觉呈现理念,才使一张张音乐专辑、一场场演唱会成为经典,在时尚与音乐的诺亚方舟中永恒闪耀。面对 HYPETRAK,Todd Tourso 娓娓而谈与 Beyoncé 合作的一路走来,分享了无数音乐、视觉经典背后的故事世界。有兴趣的朋友可以前去 HYPETRAK 浏览专访完整内容。

In the past you’ve been able to spread your time and talents across a few creative outlets such as Flaunt and your own clothing line, now that you’re working so closely with an artist that’s at the status Beyoncé is are you still able to facilitate any other projects on the side?
Yes, definitely. I force myself to stay busy and take on other projects to keep the juices flowing and maintain my bearings with the rest of the world. Beyoncé’s project has been so intense though, that it definitely has caused me to re-evaluate how I spend my time off, and I’m much more choosey about the other projects I take on.

How does this experience (of working with a single artist) differ from your previous projects? How do you find your creative balance?
For me unfortunately the best work comes from being off balance. I’ve spent my career being completely overly indulgently obsessed with a project and then moving on to something else. It’s exciting for me to work with a single artist over a period of time because then I can effect their brand instead of just one project. I like being multi-disciplinary, and this is a way for me to work on show’s but also the merch and the poster…and album packaging but also the videos and the website. And hopefully bring a level of cohesion that makes the whole greater than the sum of it’s parts. I think when you start to tie all of these things together it can feel more like a movement than an album cycle.



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