The Hundreds 2014 冬季系列造型搭配 Lookbook

加州街头品牌 The Hundreds 日前正式公布了 2014 冬季系列,并以暴动,反抗和动荡为灵感,与摄影师 Jovell Rennie 合作在阿拉斯加安克雷奇取景拍摄了这组造型搭配

Fashion 时装

加州街头品牌 The Hundreds 日前正式公布了 2014 冬季系列,并以暴动,反抗和动荡为灵感,与摄影师 Jovell Rennie 合作在阿拉斯加安克雷奇取景拍摄了这组造型搭配 Lookbook。新系列在设计上延续了品牌一直主打的美式街头风格,辅以军事、格纹和印花元素的点缀,打造了连帽卫衣、马甲、格纹衬衫和户外夹克等众多单品。对此品牌主理人 Bobby Hundreds 表示:

One of the clearest ways of defining who you are is by fighting against what you are not. The Hundreds was established as a response –- to convention, to rules, and industry paradigms. As a couple of kids who built something out of nothing, we’ve proudly bore the flag of the independents and the counterculture. We’ve sought revolution –- a new philosophy for how clothing should be understood, brands experienced, and companies built. The Hundreds Winter 2014 is inspired by this history. The season considers the uniform of radical thinkers and progressive activists. It acknowledges the fashion aesthetic of social change from punk to politics to protests. You know what you stand for. This is what you’ll stand in.

全新 The Hundreds 2014 冬季系列将于 10 月 11 日起,登陆品牌门店、指定零售商和线上店铺,感兴趣的朋友不妨多加留意。



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wings+horns x Canada Goose「Decade Parka」联名风雪大衣

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Wood Wood 2014 秋冬包袋系列
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Wood Wood 2014 秋冬包袋系列

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Streetsnaps: Lyndon Cormack of Herschel Supply Co.
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Shades of Grey by Micah Cohen 2014 秋冬造型搭配 Lookbook
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Shades of Grey by Micah Cohen 2014 秋冬造型搭配 Lookbook

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COURTESY OF 2014 秋冬造型搭配 Lookbook
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COURTESY OF 2014 秋冬造型搭配 Lookbook

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Ostrich Pillow Mini 全新鸵鸟枕头

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