HYPETRAK 专访法国著名 DJ Gesaffelstein

继自己的首支 MV 作品《Pursuit》获得 2013 年度 UK Music Video Awards 音乐大奖 4 项提名之后,法国著名 DJ Gesaffelstein

Music 音乐

继自己的首支 MV 作品《Pursuit》获得 2013 年度 UK Music Video Awards 音乐大奖 4 项提名之后,法国著名 DJ Gesaffelstein 随即便引起了广泛的关注,并且有越来越多的艺人邀请他帮忙拍摄 MV,比如 Kanye West 的《Black Skinhead》等等,而他自己打造的全新 LP《Aleph》也获得了无数赞誉。最近 HYPETRAK 便有幸采访了这位多点开花的法国艺术家,探讨新专辑创作背后的故事,与 Kanye West 公事的经历,以及他对于现场演出的看法等等。下面便带来是次访谈的节选内容,完整版不妨查看 HYPETRAK 的官方网站

You have been active within the music scene for years but you just released your debut full-lengthAleph a couple of months ago. How did you know you were ready to put it out?
Since 2010, not taking remixes into account, I haven’t put out that much material. I just wanted to gather all those things that influenced me since the very beginning and make sure it felt right.

Aleph is quite emotionally driven. What emotions played the biggest role in terms of creation/production of the album? Did you have a pre-designed road map for it?
The idea was to create a strong musical entity that could go back and forth from dark and violent things to some more melancholic and dramatic sounds. When I wasn’t at my studio, I used to write down some ideas to memorize and put them into music.

How does it feel to have it out and are you happy with the reception?
It’s a really odd feeling. I feel like I did all those researches on my own sound unconsciously. All the feedbacks have been amazing so far, I’m really happy about it.



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