Jahan Loh “Working Class Hero” 个人展览 @ Chan Hampe Galleries 现场回顾
新加坡视觉艺术家 Jahan Loh 近日在本土 Raffles Hotel 的 Chan Hampe Galleries 中举办了全新个人展览。以 “Working Class Hero”

新加坡视觉艺术家 Jahan Loh 近日在本土 Raffles Hotel 的 Chan Hampe Galleries 中举办了全新个人展览。以 “Working Class Hero” 为名,所展出的作品皆是东西方合璧,同时以传统的普普艺术手法呈现。经典的形象和画作在 Jahan 的重新诠释下更具深远涵义,正如他所说:
These icons drawn from mass media are not about getting instant popularity, but getting a connection to bring social subtleties into light, so that they may honestly be explored. From the superheroes that fight for justice in the comic world to the human heroes who make a difference every day in the real world, my new series of paintings are a record to the deeds of unseen heroes.
Jahan 的这个 “Working Class Hero” 个人展览于 7 月 4 日启动,并已于 7 月 28 日正式结束。
Chan Hampe Galleries at the Raffles Hotel
328 North Bridge Road
#01-04 Raffles Hotel Arcade
Singapore, Singapore 189560