Pharrell Williams x Daft Punk 拍摄 VIBE 杂志封面

音乐娱乐杂志 VIBE 为庆祝发行 20 周年纪念,特别企划了三款不同封面,其中一个找来音乐时尚 icon Pharrell Williams 以及 Daft Punk 联手跨刀,并全都穿上

Entertainment 娱乐

音乐娱乐杂志 VIBE 为庆祝发行 20 周年纪念,特别企划了三款不同封面,其中一个找来音乐时尚 icon Pharrell Williams 以及 Daft Punk 联手跨刀,并全都穿上 Heidi 的 SAINT LAURENT 最新款晚宴西装上阵,低调华丽的镶饰亮片让人完全无法忽视,不朽了法国电子音乐双人组 Daft Punk 也以一贯的经典未来感头盔上阵,对比 Pharrell 的 Ray-Ban 墨镜,精彩示范了精品时尚与最前线的潮流音乐融合的最佳范例。影片中不仅可以看到 VIBE 封面拍摄实况,背景音乐则是 Daft Punk 的经典「Get Lucky」 更有独家捕捉到 Pharrell 难得一见的镜头。以下是访问的节录内容,完整报导可登上 VIBE 浏览。

What drew you guys to work with Pharrell on Random Access Memories?
Thomas Bangalter: We’ve always been big fans of his work and output as a producer, rapper and musician. But what we really appreciate more than anything is a multi-talented artist that has a strong aura and is super talented, charismatic and very glamorous. His natural glamour—he is as elegant in jeans [as he is] in a tuxedo.

Pharrell Williams: Thank you.

Do you remember your first time hearing Daft Punk?
Pharrell Williams: I’ll never forget. I was talking to this girl, and all of a sudden I heard a song and was like, “What the fuck is that?” Because it just seemed like something regal, something very royal and different, from a higher caliber. When that guy sang “One More Time,” I was like, “What the?!” And then it was everywhere. Like, I heard it in cars in the hood. From that point I was in love with the sound and the groove. Isn’t that the most amazing feeling when we hear something and ask, “What is it?”

Guy-Manuel De Homem-Christo : That never happens to us.

Thomas Bangalter: It’s cool as a musician to be challenged by new music. It’s always something you look for, because all of us are music lovers. We have this repertoire where each time there is a song that makes a difference, people know it.



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